SAMM Autumn Race Series Winners Announced

Julian and Dianne Autumn 2017 Series Winners

The SAMM Autumn Series of handicap races was a great success. With no days lost due to the weather or other events held at CTD causing cancellations, the 8 days of the handicap series saw 16 races completed between September and November, all well supported by the competitors.

The results are determined using the “low points” system with each boat able to drop the scores of their 6 worst races leaving 10 scores to count for the series.

The clear winner with 8.75 points was the Topaz Duo sailed by Julian Singleton with the scores for 9 firsts and 1 second place counting.

Final Series Positions Autumn 2017
Final Series Positions Autumn 2017

Second was the Laser 2000, Shoestring Tres with 17.5 points with 2 firsts and 8 second places counting. She was sailed by Tug Wilson alone for 6 of the races but he was joined by Jack Moss for 2 and John Down for 2.

Third was the Gamba, Shoestring Uno with 21 points, with 4 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds and 2 forth places counting. Uno was skippered by Dianne Hardwick for most of the races but her crew varied from race to race, depending on who else from the Shoestring Group was able to compete each day.

The trophies were presented at the SAMM meeting on December 13th. This is the first time an individual, in his own boat, has won a SAMM series, well done Julian. With more members sailing their own boats this could be a future trend. Unfortunately Tug Wilson had returned to the UK for Christmas so could not collect his trophy.

The Spring 2018 Series is scheduled to commence on March 11th.