HELP Vega Baja launch their Christmas Appeal……..


In addition to the remarkable donations that the charity makes throughout the year to support people in need, this year the committee of HELP Vega Baja have decided to take it one step further and launched a Christmas Appeal.

The charity is appealing for people to join them to make Christmas a little better for those who do not have the resources to buy fresh food or any “treats” for Christmas by helping to fill the charity shopping trolley with food to be distributed for the holiday season.

HELP Vega Baja launch their Christmas Appeal……..
HELP Vega Baja launch their Christmas Appeal……..

Not happy to stop there, they are also looking to collect gifts for the elderly who may be alone throughout the festivities. President of the charity, Michele Masson said “by working closely with social services we are aware that there are many families in the area who struggle, particularly this time of the year and with the support of the community we would like to do something to show that that they are not forgotten. If everyone, for example, bought just one item for the trolley it could make such a huge difference and a small gift included on your list for an elderly person would help them see that people are thinking of them.

In the brief time since we have launched this appeal we have already received tremendous support from local businesses who have agreed to act as drop off points for the appeal. These are in addition to our offices in San Miguel, Torrevieja, La Marina, Friendship Centres and of course at our Christmas Fayre on the 18th November where people can also leave gifts, non-perishable food etc.

We hope that more businesses will join in and support our Christmas Appeal. If anyone would like to help or is looking for their nearest drop off point, simply call our San Miguel Centre on 966723733”.

More information can be found on the HELP Vega Baja Facebook page and website at