Emerald Isle lose annual friendly against St James Gate 

Emerald Isle lose annual friendly against St James Gate 

Sunday 15th  seen the Annual game between EI and St James Gate(Dublin) and the Trophy goes across the water this year with The Gate winning 3 Rinks to 1, aggregate 68-77. The Isles winning rink was L Hawkins B Smith M Breen and C Lindgren 22-10. At time off going to print Drinking comp was still in progress.

Monday saw the EI Neptunes play EI Moonrakers and the Neptunes came out on top of a very though game 8-6 Aggregate 114-93. Winning trips L Hawkins A Malcolm B Smith 32-7, C Ayling C Warner J Mullarkey 24-10, A  Brown T Harris J Loughran 26-17

Monday afternoon saw the Titans travel to San Luis Klingons and they were beaten 2-12, aggregate 91-126. The winning trip was S Wickens P Willicott I Brester 26-13

The winter league game saw the EI travel to San Miguel and the Emerald isle came away victors winning 8-4 aggregate 123-88. Winning rinks were S Kavanagh T Kelly D Gerrard M Odell 22-9, M Whitelock J Pooley J Rimmer C Lindgren 20-16, P Heaney S Johnson D Birkett I Brewster 16-14. The Emerald Isle won the Berleen 23-19 – E Morris S Watson B Eldred B Kavanagh.

Friday saw the EI Cavaliers playing Vistabella Lanzadores at home with an excellent win by 10-4 aggregate 112-87. Winning trips were C Donnellan D Birkett J Rimmer 24-4  C Thomas K Jolliffe D Gerrard  22-12, D Jones J Pooley C Lindgren 22-15, M Riley G Odell J Mulloy 18-14

The Outlaws took on Greenlands Oaks at home and suffered a 10-4 defeat, aggregate of 68-121. Winning trips were B Taylor B Smith M Willicott  19-14, I Fay R Fooks G Farrington  18-14