Nine immigrants found walking along the N-332

Nine immigrants found walking along the N-332

Alicante Civil Guard of Alicante has picked up nine immigrants who were walking on the N-332 in the direction of Valencia and Alicante. The arrests were made after a 10-meter patera was discovered at 10am on Wednesday morning in the Carritxal cove, at Vila Joiosa (Alicante).

The Immigrants were spotted as they walked in groups of two and three people along the road in opposite directions. Guardia agents from Vila Joiosa, El Campello, Sant Joan d’Alacant and Calpe, were involved in the arrests.

The detention were made after a boat had been discovered with a 40CV engine and two empty fuel tanks. All nine men are in good health, are undocumented, but all claim to be of Algerian nationality.