7 natural ways to tune your testosterone

7 natural ways to tune your testosterone
7 natural ways to tune your testosterone

Levels of testosterone begin to slip naturally when an individual hits the ripe young age of 30. Testosterone, the hormone which helps males to maintain their virility and vitality, drops by about 1% per year after this age. When this happens, a person notices a noticeable loss of energy, decreased libido, irritation, anger, and difficulties in sleeping.

Supplementation of testosterone has grown to become big business but it is not without its controversy. Therefore, its good for an individual to consider a drug-free and natural approach to maintaining their testosterone levels.

These 7 natural tips are sure ways to help tune up your testosterone.

Go easy on the alcohol

Alcohol converts testosterone to estrogen. A small amount of reservatrol (found in red wine) may not cause any harm, but overdrinking certainly will. Moderate consumption of alcohol is advised which means no more than two drinks per day!

Stay lean

Being overweight and obese not only increases the risk of certain cancers and heart disease, it can also be a factor in an increased risk of low testosterone. In a study conducted in 2010 it was shown that 40% of men who were obese had low testosterone. This number increased to 50% of men who were obese and had diabetes. Increased fat stores causes an increase in estrogen which in turn results in lower testosterone. A reduction in fat, therefore, results in higher testosterone levels.

Reduce stress and exercise

Reducing stress, and in particular the levels of the hormone cortisol, can help to improve testosterone levels. Regular exercise, which also helps keep the fat store down, can help to reduce stress and improve levels of testosterone. Interval training and exercises which help to build muscle mass allow more testosterone to be released from protein. In addition, deep breathing can also help to support natural levels of testosterone.

Sleep, sleep, and more sleep

Studies have shown that men who sleep less are prone to lower levels of testosterone. Sleep deprivation impacts the level of the stress hormone, cortisol. Sufficient sleep and rest ensures that you wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

Avoid plastics

The chemical bisphenol A (BPA)is found in many types of plastic and the lining of food and drinks cans. Exposure to BPA can result in low testosterone because the chemical acts like estrogen and, therefore, lowers levels of T. Furthermore, studies have shown that men with high BPA levels have low levels of sperm.

Get your minerals

You should always ensure that your body has sufficient vitamins and minerals, but of most importance is zinc and magnesium. The body needs at least 10 to 15mg of zince each day which can be found in shell fish (such as oysters), beef, and pork. Vegetarians and non-meat eaters can find good levels of zinc in spinach, asparagus, oats, pumpkin seeds, and certain types of mushrooms.

Eat healthy fats

Testosterone is made from cholesterol and, therefore, it is important to consume foods containing healthy fats. This includes fats found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and coconut. These fats help to boost testosterone without having an adverse effect on heart health.


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