In sweltering heat last Saturday we celebrated our Captains’ prize (Mr. Alisdair McLean) tournament at La Serena.  I would like to thank Alisdair for his contribution to our club, he has been a model captain always lending his support to all our events. 

It was our sixth annual event and how rapidly the years have gone. We had a field of 92 players all anxious to rise to the challenge and claim the prestigious title.  The morning began bright and early with the drive in at 8.30 before the first players set off.  Needless to say it was a fine drive and set the mark for one of the later prizes. 

Scoring was particularly high, with no fewer than 15 players equal or better than par.  I would like to thank the staff in the pro-shop for their usual professionalism to Jose, Jean and Paul.  To Wayne and all his team for the excellent condition of the course, thank you.  An event such as this takes many months of planning and it is very important to acknowledge the role played by the members of the junta directiva. 

To Camillus Fitzpatrick ably assisted by Philip Mountford many thanks for all the hard work.  To our treasurer Denis McCormack who does a sterling job managing the accounts and making it possible to purchase such an array of prizes.  Through prudent management the competition is subsidised by The Celts club and the entry fee for the day was only 10 euro. This covered golf, prizes and dinner in The Sunrise restaurant. 

Down to the presentation of prizes. We had four sections, one for the visitors and three members’ categories.  The visitors’ section winner was Adrian Cunningham with 33 pts.   The NTP’s were collected by Sue Owens, John Aitchison, Steve Baron, Steve Carter, John O’Brien and Andy Currie. 

The special prizes, nearest the Captain’s drive went to Eileen Hudson who was absolutely thrilled as this was her first ever prize.  The longest drive went to Alan Proudfoot.  Category 3.  1st. Giovanni Butto 39, 2nd. Roy Sutherlan 39, 3rd. John Coholan 39. Category 2.  1st. Sue Benning 40, 2nd. Darren Holden 37, 3rd. Laurence Brennan 37.  Category 1.  1st. Tony Head 37, 2nd. Pauvla Serakova 36, 3rd. John O’Brien 33.  The gross was won by Camillus FItzpatrick with 32.  The overall runner-up Nigel Brandish with 40 and the winner of the Captains’ prize, Roy Ramberg. 41pts.

A special mention must go to our senior golfers as similar to the current holder of the Presidents prize Roy has celebrated more than 75 years.  There is hope for us all yet.