Return of the Seven is just one of the many classic films on offer

Alicante province has long been the Hollywood of Europe, and among the stars who have made films here are Bruce Willis, Henry Cavill, Yul Brynner, Peter Ustinov, Dirk Bogarde, Sir Alec Guinness, Robert Stack and Colin Farrell.

‘España de Cine’ is a non-profit making association whose main aim is to promote and encourage cinema tourism in Spain, a country that has seen the filming of more than 700 English language films, such as Doctor Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia, and most recently The Promise starring Christian Bale, who began his career with Steven Spielberg shooting Empire of the Sun in the province of Cádiz.

Since its beginnings, ‘España de Cine’ has organised events in Cuenca, Guadalajara, Burgos and Valencia, and more and more travel organisations are beginning to offer cinema tourism packages, routes or complements to their clients.

The next target is the province Alicante.

Participants will be lodged in a Casa Rural in the quiet mountain village of Beniatjar (Valencia) with visits to film locations in Denia, Novelda and Agost.

The stay will begin on Monday 7th August and end on 11th August.

The price (a cost price as we are a non-profit making association) is 25€ per person per night, B&B.

Bob Yareham, author of ‘Movies Made in Spain’, and President of ‘España de Cine’ will accompany the ‘set-jetters’, (cinema tourists).

It is hoped to have a mix of Spanish and English speakers and so the activities can be carried out in English, Spanish or both. The films are available in the house in English.

The house has 2 twin rooms and 3 rooms with a double bed. Individual occupation of a single room would cost 40€ per night.

The Price does not include: transport, lunch or supper, or entrance to museums etc.

The participants will be encouraged to participate in the planning of each day when various options will be offered. One option will be thematic suppers, prepared by the participants using recipes from the epoch of the films.

Transport to the locations will be in the participants’ cars, although renting a mini-bus is another option.

Among the films made at the locations previously indicated are:

  • The Return of the Seven (follow up to The Magnificent Seven).

  • The Garden of Eden (based on a Hemingway book)

  • The Three Musketeers

  • The Four Musketeers

  • John Paul Jones

  • The Cold Light of Day

Optional, additional visits could be to the nearby mountain villages of Otos and Carrícola:

For reservations contact (in Spanish):

Casa rural Terra Blanca del Benicadell (Juan Gamir)

móvil 658131985

English only speakers can contact Bob Yareham