On Thursday 20th April Eurogolf played their monthly stableford  and although it was really blustery condition some impressive results were scored. Cat1 1st George McCallum 37 2nd Dave Nichols 35  3rd  David Gregson 31 Cat 2 1st Bert Lawson 42 2nd Alan Venables 32 c/b 3rd Geoff Evans 32  Cat 3 1st Cindi Green 34  2nd David Valentine 33 3rd Jan  Shorley 29 Cat 4 1st Lauraine Walker 40 2nd Eamonn Divine 36 3rd Mary Sanderson 35 Overall winner Bert Lawson  Best front 9 Bev Evans 18 Best back 9 Peter Sanderson 21  NTPs  5th  Robin Richards  11th  Sharon Horne 12th in 2 David Valentine 15th George McCallum  17th  Dave Nichols  Football Tony Stanley Bev Evans George McCallum Bob Shorley and Claire Daye-Gretton


On Tuesday 18th April in glorious sunshine Toffs played their normal stableford competition and the results were Cat 1 (0-15) 1st Franz Berndt 39 2nd George McCallum 38 3rd  Fred Reeve 37  Cat 2 (16-21) 1st Steve Sayers 37  2nd John Kirkwood 34 3rd Gordon Bourne  33 Cat 3 (22-27) 1st  Bruce Gordon 35 2nd Anglique Berndt 35 c/b  3rd David Valentine 31 Cat 4 (28 +) 1st  Eamonn Divine 36 2nd Brian Jones 35 3rd Sharon Horne 31 Overall Toffs winner Franz Berndt 39 Best Guest Geoff Renshaw  Best front 9 Tony Forbes  20 Best back 9 John Barraclough 20 NTPs 5th Gary Lavender  11th David Gregson  12th in 2  George McCallum 15th Bill Martin 17th Sharon Horne  Football  Craig Hall N Manning Lauraine Walker Arty Crammon and John Fairhurst..

If you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website