Photograph shows Bob with fellow Costaleros and hooded Nazerinas or Penitentes.

Members at the March meeting of ADAPT were treated to an informative and entertaining talk by Bob Hill, on the history of the Cofradia, and of the great pride of being involved as a member of the International Costaleros.

It was explained that a Costalero is a person who assists in carrying a float, or better known as a Paso, around the streets, in Bob’s case, of Torrevieja, during the time of Semana Santa. Each Paso depicts a different scene from the Easter story. In Cartagena, there are Cofradias dating back into the mid., 17th., and 18th., centuries.

Bob explained that the Corfradia to which the International Costaleros belong to is known as The Corfradia of our Lord Jesus Praying in the Garden of Olives, and yes, it is heavy, and true, 100 Costaleros are needed each year to carry it along the route.

It was in 2003, that the then Director for Foreigners, Graham Knight, was asked by the Councillor for Culture at the time, Eduardo Dolon, to find 100 men, willing to carry the Paso, during Semana Santa in 2004. Graham, always up for a challenge, not only found 100, good men and true, but also ladies, who would appear in the processions as the hooded Nazerinas or Penitentes. At the time, this new International band of Costaleros, was unique in Spain.

Your Paso needs YOU!  Each year, a few people will leave, for various reasons, so new members are always required. Learning how to negotiate a 1500 kilo mass, around tight corners, is great fun. New Costaleros will be made most welcome, and be prepared for an amazing experience, with crowds that will applaud you every step of the way. Come and be part of this extraordinary event.

Contact: David McLachlan at:

Photograph shows Bob with fellow Costaleros and hooded Nazerinas or Penitentes.

ADAPT  meetings take place in the  Pensionista Centre,  Lo Pagan.  at 10:30 on the first Saturday of the month.  New members welcome.   See   for further details.