All the Brethren of the Lodge are pleased and proud to support these local charities

The Philip Scott Lodge No10671 of the Royal Antediluvian Order of the Buffaloes under the Grand Lodge of England, who meet in the Bar Catorce, Benijofar, are pleased to announce that the following charities have benefited from donations from the Lodge Funds for 2016.

The Torrevieja Stroke Support Group has been our main charity for the year and has been afforded the lions share of 750.00 euro with the needy of Benijofar being allocated the sum of 250.00 euro toward the cost of Christmas food parcels.  The Royal British Legion has been given the sum of 75.00 euro toward the Poppy Appeal and the cost of a wreath.

All the Brethren of the Lodge are pleased and proud to support these local charities and look forward to further donating to local charities in the New Year.