November 14th is World Diabetes Day and the theme is Eyes on Diabetes. This important awareness day is focusing on promoting the importance of screening to ensure early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and treatment to reduce the risk of serious complications. Specsavers Opticas have been working alongside their local diabetic associations for years to offer free diabetes screenings and advice on keeping eyes healthy. They have also invested in the latest technology to ensure their eye tests are also health tests, which can spot the signs of diabetic retinopathy developing.diabetes

“Many people don’t realise that diabetes can affect your sight” explains Saher Shrief from Specsavers Opticas in Torrevieja, “but in fact, of the 415 million adults worldwide living with diabetes in 2015, over one third will develop some form of diabetic retinopathy – a complication of diabetes that can lead to vision impairment and blindness. Careful management of diabetes and screening for diabetic eye disease can help prevent visual impairment and blindness. This is why we want to encourage everyone to get themselves screened for diabetes on World Diabetes Day and to get a comprehensive eye test, which includes health checks and technology such as digital retinal photography.”

Nearly all Specsavers Opticas stores on the Costa Blanca have digital retinal cameras, allowing the opticians to take a detailed picture of the back of the eye. This helps identify changes that might be associated with certain eye conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy. If necessary, the optician can refer patients directly for further medical examination to a hospital or general practitioner. They believe this technology is so important, that it is included as part of the eye test at no extra charge.

To book a free eye test or find your nearest store, visit www.specsavers.es to find out more about World Diabetes Day visit worlddiabetesday.org