40’s style dress would be nice, but optional

Any uniforms still in the closet, get them out, come along and sing the good old songs of the time.

06_rusty-nail-poster-for-40s-nightRoll out the barrel, Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye, Bless em all, Kiss me goodnight Sgt major, White Cliffs of Dover, We’ll meet again, And many others,  including.. Bawdy Barrack room ballads, (if you can still remember the proper words) !!!

Even though many were not fun days, (air raids were never funny), People still had grit and determination and enjoyed life to the full when times permitted. pay us a visit and do as they did, and salute the brave folk of the 1940’s

This is not a charity function, but since it is remembrance Sunday, any donations to the Royal British Legion Poppy appeal will be welcome, there will be a collection box available