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Tag: nintendo 3ds

The Wii U is DEAD! All attention turns away from the DYING console to the Nintendo SWITCH!

Why the WII U is Dying and THE SWITCH IS GROWING.....! The "Wii U" was released in Spain on November the 30th 2012. It was...


Women Control 70% Self-Employment Projects in Rural South Alicante

Women are at the forefront of entrepreneurship in rural...

Tougher penalties demanded as 37% Rise in Attacks on Doctors in Alicante

Healthcare Professionals are calling for Tougher Penalties and a...

The Importance of Regular Audit Services for Maintaining Business Compliance

In the world of business, compliance is not just...

How Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Health and the Treatments Available

Sleep apnea is a huge problem that does not...