We started to talk about seat belts last week, which we will continue. The three-point seat belt, which is fitted as standard to most modern vehicles, has an upper (thoracic) and a lower band (pelvic). Both must be snugly fitting against the body. For the seat belt to offer maximum protection it must be on …
We have been talking about summer dos and don’ts, but to be clear, these rules do not only apply in summer, but they also apply all year. The reason we are highlighting the season is because we always see an increase in these types of behaviours, and an increase in the subsequent fines, at this …
Last week, we spoke about maintaining the correct position when we are sat in a vehicle, specifically, in that case, related to the potential and “life changing” injuries that can be caused by putting your feet on the dashboard. However, the rule extends to much more than that, as Article 18, Section 1 of Royal …
We have had a bit of rain recently, but we are also now seeing temperatures start to warm up, and with that comes a wave of typical behaviours we see on the roads, many of which can cause us problems, and can lead to a fine, or worse, so it´s time to look at some …
The tyres are the most abused element of a vehicle and must be checked on a regular basis. Because of their abuse, in constant contact with the road, faults and deflations are commonplace. Although they should be checked regularly, at least monthly, we understand that most people don´t, but we do really encourage you to …