
Pilar Christian Community Church

 Pilar Christian Community Church " Where every person matters but God matters most!  Clear Vision.  I wear glasses and boy do they get mucky and dusty on a...

Where every person matters but God matters more

Keep it light-hearted and easy or go for the hard stuff? Decisions, decisions!  Does anyone even read these articles? Does anyone care? Does what...

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dies easing the way for retirement of Francis

Joseph Ratzinger passed away at 9:34 a.m. on Saturday morning in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican, where he had resided since his...

Celebrating the last night of Chanukah

On the evening of Sunday, 25th December, the Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community, along with Jewish people all over the world, celebrated the last...

Salt Church Christmas Carol Service

The Salt Church based in Los Montesinos welcomed hundreds of people for their 2022 Christmas Carol Service. "Welcome to you all for attending the Salt...
