Showing a return to excellent golf was our winner Simon Fox with 39 points
Showing a return to excellent golf was our winner Simon Fox with 39 points

Montgo today played a Stableford Competition for the Middleton Trophy, our sponsor was Nigel Siddall.

Showing a return to excellent golf was our winner Simon Fox with 39 points earning himself a cut of 0.9 on his handicap, 2nd was Peter Gardiner with 36 points pushing out Richard Fox to 3rd place who also had 36 points and 4th place went to Ros Fletcher with 34 points.

There were 3 nearest the pins which were sponsored by Nigel and these were 3rd, 11th, & 16th. The lucky winners were Sally Cottrell on the 3rd & Ros Fletcher on the 16th. No one managed to hit the green on the 11th so a card draw was made and the was won by Shane Fitzsimmons

Our next competition is a 2 person Texas Scramble and our sponsors are Ros & Jimmy Fletcher.