Aguamarina Park to reopen Mid March

Aguamarina Park to reopen in two weeks
Aguamarina Park to reopen in two weeks

Work began to the refurbish Aguamarina Children’s Park at the beginning of December with an unlikely completion date published of the20th of that month. It was rather ambitious to say the least and of course, as local residents are aware, the contractor was way off the mark. However work did progress and, for the most part, it was completed by the end of January.

Unfortunately since that time there has been no further progress. Many of the improvements and additions have been completed but as parents and children look longingly on almost a daily basis the park is still currently fenced off and out of use.

Such was the frustration at not being able to use the park that barriers were removed by members of the public and children were able to gain entry and enjoy much of the new equipment. However we though that might have been put to an end late last week with the arrival of the Policia Local who promptly wrapped their police tape across much of the apparatus and restored the broken barriers.

However, no sooner had they gone than the police tape had been ripped off by members of the public and placed in adjacent bins.

But I’m told that the park could officially be open in two weeks with the contractors currently awaiting delivery of 2 table tennis tables. Once they are in place in the central circular area of the park the facility will be handed over to the council.