Carp-R-Us at Embalse de Argos
Carp-R-Us at Embalse de Argos

Following the club EGM on Sunday 15th January the following were elected to form the new club committee. Steve Collins (President), Steve Fell (Secretary), Tom Marshall (Treasurer), Mark Foden (Match Secretary), Geoff Tempest (Social Secretary). The club will be holding its next meeting on Sunday 5th February, with an AGM on Sunday 5th March. Both meetings will be held at 11.00 at the club HQ, Restaurant El Alto La Dolores.

The match on 19th January, was abandoned due to the atrocious weather conditions. 

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.

The club is currently looking for new members and anyone interested can contact us through the Facebook page, the website or calling the club secretary, Steve Fell, on 634379081.