Entre Naranjos Fundraiser for ASOKA animal refuge

Entre Naranjos Fundraiser for ASOKA animal refuge
Entre Naranjos Fundraiser for ASOKA animal refuge

Residents of Entre Naranjos also known as  Vistabella Golf  are fundraising for ASOKA animal refuge a registered charity that rescue treat and rehome  Orihuela’s unwanted animals. Supported by local residents  who regularly visit the refuge in San Bartolome and assist the charity  with dog walking, residents are organising  a Spring fair on Saturday May 4th and the Entre Naranjos Hiking group are leading a 10klm sponsored hike behind the Vistabella Golf Club.

The fundraiser kicks off at 10.00am at the Orange Bar and Bar Allegria, Entre Naranjos, Vistabella Golf ,  where the Spring Fair will offer an assortment of stalls  and the hikers will depart on a 3 hour walk arriving back at the Orange bar for 13.00.

We are inviting all interested people to visit us on May 4th especially all animal lovers and anyone interested in the work of ASOKA. All sorts of things will be on sale including raffles, tombola, plants and many more things. If you are interested in taking part in the 10 klm hike then please contact Dave Hill of the Entre Naranjos Hiking Group on hillssipsangria@hotmail. com    tel 634056564

 In 2016 the Entre Naranjos hiking group raised almost 3000 euros  for ASOKA by completing the Orihuela Sierra challenge a 17.5 klm hike along the whole Sierra Orihuela. This enabled ASOKA to purchase essential  equipent and extend their surgery at the animal refuge.

All visitors will be welcome on May 4th and here’s hoping for some lovely spring weather!

Entre Naranjos Fundraiser for ASOKA animal refuge
Entre Naranjos Fundraiser for ASOKA animal refuge