A hundred seniors evicted from local dance

The police notice closing down the dance
The police notice closing down the dance

The Senior Citizens Centre, Virgin of Monserrate de Orihuela, is owned and administered by the Orihuela Council, so when over a hundred pensioners were evicted from the hall last Sunday evening by the Local Police during a regular evening of dance, they did not quite believe what was happening.

Today the centre remains closed. A sign is affixed to the main door stating that the dance on Saturdays and Sundays has been suspended by “order of the Police”.

Police officers told the retirees that they were following orders following complaints about noise received over many months. Thus ends a tradition of more than eight years of continuous dances with live and pre-recorded music every Saturday and Sunday evening.

The Councillor for Social Welfare, Sabina Goretti Benito Galindo, said that she is hoping to solve the problem as soon as possible and so that activities can be quickly resumed.