Lo Crispin Golf society at Bonalba – 31st. October

Marabu Golf Society at Bonalba on 28th February 2019.
Marabu Golf Society at Bonalba on 28th February 2019.

Thirty two members and guests teed it up at Bonalba in the penultimate stableford competition of 2018. Given the amount of rain in thr preceeding 24 hours, we were probably fortunate to be playing at all.

Buggies however were resticted to paths only and concessions were not afforded to those who would normally be entitled to a blue flag. This proved to annoy and frustrate may of our less mobile members, as they clearly found it tough going ! Apart from a few soggy areas the fairways were still quite firm, but balls were not running as far as usual. The consensus of many players on the day was that the the greens, and particularly the tee boxes were not in good condition.

 It was also somewhat surprising that the bunkers were not deemed unplayable by the course management, in view of the volume of water in many of them. For probably all the above mentioned reasons, the scores on the day were on the poor side. Those who were fortunate enough to receive a prize on the day, received them as usual at the Lo Crispin Tavern, where we served tapas and looked after by the staff.

The winners were as follows :

Gold Division: 1st. Place – Ron Perkins 30 pts. off 10, 2nd. Place – Ron Stephenson 27 pts. off 12, 3rd. Place – Martin Barker 26 pts. off 16

Silver Division: Paul Flanaghan – 27 pts. off 23, Paddy Shea – 22 pts. off 24, Janet Candlin – 19 pts. off 33

N.T. P’s. on Par 3s: Hole 4 – Ray Pownall, Hole 8 – Ray Pownall, Hole 11 – Paul Flanaghan, Hole 14 – Andy Quinn

The 2’s pot was won by Ray Moles (Hole 4) – Paul Carter won the Free Game Draw

The next main game is the annual Nominated Pairs competition at Altoreal on 14 th. November. The next Interim Game takes place at Font del Llop on 7th. November.

Steve Harrington (Membership and Handicap Secretary)