AGAMED acquires new electric vehicles

AGAMED acquires new electric vehicles

José Manuel Dolón, the mayor of Torrevieja met with José Manuel Nadal, the chairman of Agamed (joint water Management Company when he visited the new fleet of electric vehicles that the company has acquired.

Nadal showed him the three new vehicles that are expected to have a significant effect on the reduction of CO2 emission by 8.9 tons per year. The company is expected to replace a total of 12 vehicles in 2019 and, in subsequent years, the goal is to eventually replace the entire fleet of diesel vehicles with electric.

The mayor said that it will contribute in making “our environment cleaner and healthier” and stressed that “Agamed has a serious commitment to the environment that it demonstrates with many other initiatives to disseminate the values ​​required for the care and recovery of our planet. ”

Nadal said that the new vans are equipped for maintenance operations and “have been selected according to criteria such as autonomy, load and technical performance. They have a range of up to 200 kilometres. In addition, although the economic cost at present is significantly higher than the cost of a conventional diesel engine, the environmental and sustainable benefit is much higher, since they produce zero CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. ”

Nadal has also spoke of organised workshops and awareness sessions for schoolchildren and the general public on the responsible use of water, which are carried out at numerous venues across the municipality.