Cyclists in Spain warned of €500 fine


Cyclists in Spain are being warned they could face a penalty of €200 or more this summer, with legal team leader at Cycle SOS, Lena Farnell, warning it is illegal to cycle while wearing earphones in popular holiday locations Spain.

“Cyclists who are caught wearing earphones can expect to pay a €200 fine in Spain,” she said.

Wearing earphones whilst cycling could present a safety risk to yourself and other road users. Listening to music compromises a cyclist’s ability to listen to road traffic, including the sirens of emergency vehicles.

“They may also be less aware of warning signals, such as vehicles using their horn or pedestrians shouting.

“Not wearing earphones allows cyclists to be more aware of their surroundings, helping them to cycle in a safer way, which will reduce the number of road traffic accidents,” she added.

Fines range from: No brakes or faulty brakes – €80; Not having any lights on between sunset and sunrise €200, failing to stop at a traffic light €200; Not having a bell €80; Failing to give way €200; Not wearing high visibility clothing €200; being under the influence of alcohol €500.

Cyclists must ride on the right hand side of the road and never ride against the flow of traffic.

All bicycles must be fitted with a bell.