Mojácar Council approves Coastal Relief Road

This new road is of vital importance for both the town’s tourism and infrastructure

Mojácar Council has approved the agreement between themselves and the Junta de Andalucía’s Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda for the construction of a coastal relief road.

The much needed road would run between the roundabout by the town’s petrol station off the A-1203 and the Paraje de las Marinas, easing the intense traffic that congests the Paseo de Mediterráneo every summer. After a year of negotiations, a framework has now been reached between the administrations that means the project can finally be go ahead.

The Consejería de Fomento has committed to make the land (that was expropriated almost 20 years ago for this project) available to the Council, along with any additional necessary expropriations.  This will be followed by their supervision and advice on the drafting of the construction, direction the of the works being carried out as well as maintenance of the road once it is completed and approved by the Ministry.

The preliminary draft drawn up by Almería’s Provincial Diputación will need the favourable report of the Medio Ambiente (Environment). The basic project will also require the approval of the Consistorio and the Dirección General de Infraestructuras before the works commence. The project will cost around 4,500,000€ according to the preliminary estimate.

This new road, which is of vital importance for both the town’s tourism and infrastructure had previously been delayed indefinitely by the Administración Andaluza due to the unfavourable report on the original route given by the Medio Ambiente.

Now, the Municipality of Mojácar is responsible for the implementation of the new stretch between the roundabout by and the Paraje de las Marinas, which will eventually relieve the heavy traffic along the busy seafront.