Las Filipanas residents say no to mosque

The residents gathered at a meeting over the weekend

The residents of Las Filipinas de Alhama have collected over 1300 signatures in opposition to the construction of a mosque which is due to be built in la calle Isla Cebú.

The place of worship would replace an old carpentry workshop said the deputy mayor, Diego Conesa, with money that has been donated from the Muslim community itself.  Conesa also confirmed that “The town Council has not provided any subsidy, or help to this group,” despite the claims of some residents.

Whilst he appreciated the displeasure shown by many residents he added that he intends to mediate between the two groups in the hope that a satisfactory outcome might be found.

The council official emphasised, however, that there is no municipal regulation excluding this type of facility. “If all the requirements are fulfilled, we cannot refuse to provide an opening license,” he said.

At the moment, the Muslim group has only requested a certificate of habitability for the warehouse where it could be located.

The councillor insists on the need to “build a bridge for coexistence,” words that he hopes will be will seriously considered by both the Muslim group and local residents in the coming days.

The residents have resurrected their neighbourhood association that had been closed for some years, in order to prevent the installation of the mosque close to their homes.

“We will do whatever it takes to keep the mosque from being put here,” said Isabel Serrano, who owns the house that adjoins the warehouse. The neighborhood believes that if the mosque is buit in the area they will have no more peace. “At the moment we already have more than 1,300 signatures that support our stance, and we are collecting more and more each day”, she said.

Diego Conesa says that he has received assurances from the Muslim group that the daily attendance will not exceed 20 or 30 people, except during Ramadan.