The crossroads at which the fatal accident occurred

The Civil Guard has identified the driver of a car who hit a moped rider in Catral on Sunday afternoon, before fleeing the scene and leaving him to die.

The accident occurred at the crossroads between Almoradí and Arroba de Hornos, popularly known as Camino del Saladar, at about 1pm.

Unfortunately however, the moped driver, a 78 year old local resident, was mortally wounded as a result of the accident, while the car driver fled the scene.

When the emergency services arrived they were only able to certify the death of the moped driver. The Civil Guard is gathering information to try to clarify the circumstances of the incident and find the driver who fled.

Late in the afternoon, Almoradi’ s Local Police of Almoradí  located the vehicle, a black Audi, that corresponded with the description provided by the witnesses. The agents were able to identify the driver, a 29 year old, also a resident of the town.

It is understood that the driver was arrested and remains in police custody.