Final round of the Carp R Us Winter Series

Tony Felstead won that section with just three fish for 3.88 kgs, the best weight of the day.
Tony Felstead won that section with just three fish for 3.88 kgs, the best weight of the day.

Carp-r-Us had not fished the ‘Mercadona’ stretch of the Canal du Prospect since last Autumn. Consequently two working parties had visited it in the previous fortnight to clear overhanging bushes and lots of streamer weed in order to reopen the numbered pegs.

Amongst the debris removed was a large but deflated plastic dinghy (no one aboard) which somehow had found its way into the Canal. So, with pegs cleared a good day’s fishing was anticipated for the final round of the Winter Series. It was not to be.

The day got off to a poor start when both Tony Felstead and Russell Davidson found anglers already set up immediately opposite their pegs; 13 and 16. Russell had drawn lucky peg 16 but found it was not going to be lucky for him on the day.

They moved to nearby upstream swims only to watch one of the anglers on the far bank seriously ‘bag up’ with good carp and mullet. Russ failed to weigh in. Tony won that section with just  three fish for 3.88 kgs, the best weight of the day.

Trevor Morrey on peg 7 managed a small carp for second place. The only other angler to catch anything was Willy Moons on peg 1, managing a single carp of 1.34 kgs. Everyone else blanked.

The water looked fine and had a steady flow but the fish were not there, seemingly having moved downstream. Had Russell and Tony been able to fish their drawn pegs then the result may have been very different.

This meant that the Winter Series ended up as a tie between Tony Felstead and Willy Moons with Steve Fell third. Well done to all who took part in what was, at times, a difficult series.

The picture is of todays winner, Tony Felstead, at a previous match.