Norwegian Bokmål
Detailed Weather Outlook
The weather will see notable variations throughout the day. Temperatures will range from a minimum of 10°C to a maximum of 16°C. The sky conditions will shift over time, starting with partly cloudy skies in the morning and clearing up by nightfall.
Early Morning Conditions (Midnight to 6 AM)
During the early hours, the sky will be partly cloudy, with no expected precipitation. The perceived temperature will be slightly lower than the actual, ranging between 8°C and 16°C, while relative humidity will fluctuate between 40% and 80%.
Morning and Afternoon Outlook
By mid-morning and through midday, cloud cover will increase, raising the likelihood of light rain to 25%. Temperatures will remain stable, with a slight rise in humidity. In the afternoon, skies will clear again, returning to partly cloudy conditions with no further precipitation expected.
Evening and Nighttime Weather
From 6 PM onward, skies will be mostly clear. Temperatures will gradually drop to the day’s minimum, while humidity will peak at 80%, which may enhance the feeling of cold.
Outlook for Early February
The start of February will bring varied weather patterns. On February 1, clear skies are expected in the morning, followed by a chance of light rain in the afternoon. Temperatures will remain between 8°C and 16°C, with humidity fluctuating between 40% and 90%.
On February 2, cloudy intervals will dominate the day with a low chance of rain. Over the next few days, cloud cover is expected to increase, with possible rain on February 3. However, by February 4 and 5, partly cloudy skies are anticipated, transitioning to clearer conditions toward the end of the period.
Norwegian Bokmål