Torrevieja to Waive Water Bills for Large and Single-Parent Families

Torrevieja’s PANGEA office supported 1,678 people in 2024
Torrevieja’s PANGEA office supported 1,678 people in 2024

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Large families and single-parent households in Torrevieja will no longer have to pay their water bills, thanks to a new measure announced by the Councillor for Social Welfare and Housing, Óscar Urtasun.

This initiative, aimed at easing the financial burden on these groups, was approved on Friday by the Local Government Board.

The Torrevieja City Council, in collaboration with the water service provider Aguas del Arco Mediterráneo (Agamed), has extended the existing agreement for the management of the social fund, which previously covered retirees and pensioners with limited resources. Now, large and single-parent families will also benefit from this scheme.

Urtasun explained that the assistance is available to Torrevieja residents, with certain conditions. For example, water consumption over 300 cubic meters per year will not be subsidised, and the aid applies only to homes that serve as the primary residence.

To access the aid, applicants must submit a request, allowing the Town Hall to verify information through the municipal register.

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