Petition calls for justice and equality for Orihuela Costa

If you would like to add your name to the petition you can go straight to it by using either the link and simply searching for ‘Peter Hughes’ or scan the QR code in this article.
If you would like to add your name to the petition you can go straight to it by using either the link and simply searching for ‘Peter Hughes’ or scan the QR code in this article.

Peter Hughes, a member of the local residents association ‘Unidos por la Costa’, is so frustrated at the discrimination being suffered on the coast at the hands of the PP/Vox Municipal Government, that he has started an online petition at the website demanding that Orihuela City Council treat Orihuela Costa with even-handedness.

In his statement on the world’s largest petition platform, used by more than two million new users a month, he has said that:

“Orihuela Costa continues to suffer from a worrying lack of attention from Orihuela City Council. Almost 18 months have passed since the formation of the new municipal government, but the problems affecting the coast remain unresolved. Residents are tired of unfulfilled promises and the absence of real solutions.”

He goes on to list many of the problems faced by residents of the Orihuela Costa, including

Poor waste infrastructure, a lack of green areas and maintenance of the boulevards, insufficient health services, overcrowded educational centres, inequality with investment in festivals and events and many more.

He also highlights the enormous economic contribution of Orihuela Costa to the municipal budget which is far greater than that of city dwellers who are by far the largest beneficiaries of council spending.

He demands that the Orihuela City Council put an end to this situation of neglect and inequality as the residents of Orihuela Costa demand a fair and equitable distribution of municipal resources. “We demand respect, justice and equality for Orihuela Costa. Sign and help make our voice heard!”

If you would like to add your name to the petition you can go straight to it by using either the link and simply searching for ‘Peter Hughes’ or scan the QR code in this article.