On Tuesday, the National Police conducted an operation in La Manga, focusing on potential irregularities in the management of seized assets, primarily boats and other items that are in judicial custody.
The investigation centres on the La Manga depositary, in the area that is administered by San Javier, responsible for overseeing these assets. Police officers inspected a warehouse located in La Manga, and while specific details about the investigation remain undisclosed, sources suggest there are suspicions of crimes related to the administration and misuse of confiscated goods.
Some speculate a possible link between this investigation and a fatal accident that occurred on November 16th on the RM-12 motorway where a 9.7-metre semi-rigid boat, believed to be involved in drug trafficking or illegal immigration, broke loose from a trailer and caused a chain collision, resulting in the deaths of two British Nationals and multiple injuries.
Both the Civil Guard and the National Police are actively investigating the accident, as they attempt to determine the boat’s intended use and its connection to any illicit activities.