Alfies Golf Society (AGS)

This month 35 members of AGS went to Saurines de la Torre Golf Resort.
This month 35 members of AGS went to Saurines de la Torre Golf Resort.

Saurines Del La Torre, Thursday 31st October 2024

This month 35 members of AGS went to Saurines de la Torre Golf Resort. The course was in good condition, however, as normal some of the pins were in challenging positions. This month we participated in the annual Memorial Competition, which is dedicated to our past members who have gone to join the golfing gods……RIP.

We Will Remember Them.

The members took a moment of reflection whilst the captain read out the names of our members that have passed away since we were founded in 2008.

The captain then presented the prizes to the following winners: (€10 Voucher for the Lucky Lion bar)

Hcp 20 and above: N TP in 2 Hole 5, Tim Davidson (Guest), N TP Hole 6, Paul Ralston, NTP in 3 Hole 11, Martyn Johnston, NTP in 3 hole 18, Geoff Kite.

Hcp 19.9 and below: NTP Hole 2, Ian Archer, NTP in 3 Hole 9, Mike Leyland, NTP in 2 Hole 17, Martin Armstrong

The Best Net score on Hole 13 was Nick Oldfield, who won a bottle of Vodka, donated by AGS Charity Rep. Best front 9, Paul Ralston with 18pts, Best back 9, Chris Udell with 19pts, both received a sleeve of balls.

The longest walk (won’t mention the score) went to Jimmy Gray who won an RBL poppy appeal mug.

The Main Prizes are as follows: 1st Place – Dan Jones with 44 pts, 2nd Place – Ian Archer with 40 pts,

3rd Place – Richard Watson with 36 pts. 4th Place – Mike Leyland with 36 pts. (vouchers from the Lucky Lion) Congratulations go to our overall winner, Dan Jones.

Nigel Hardy, the PGA teaching pro at Lo Romero golf has kindly offered to sponsor our Captain Gary Armstrong with a voucher for a free lesson at Lo Romero golf; this was presented to the overall winner.

The captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, and this year’s fund currently stands at €1.571. Many thanks go to Sam Udell our charity member for her continued hard work. Many thanks go to Michael, Annoushka and staff of the Lucky Lion for their continued support and delicious after-match meal and refreshments. With the society donation and money raised on the day RBL received €347.35.

Our next match on Thursday, 28th November and will be the final round of the Masters to be held at Mar Menor Golf resort,

Gary Armstrong

Captain AGS