San Miguel GS at Altoreal (6 November)

Competition winners
Competition winners

Priorities for this week have been charity donations.  Firstly, the Society’s donation to the Red Cross for the DANA relief efforts in Valencia of €500 and secondly, with the forthcoming Remembrance Sunday, our charity donation to the RBL of €280 from the proceeds of this month’s notorious Blob Tin (pic. with Bob Smith).  Again, none of this is ever possible without our generous members.

Onto the golf!  Altoreal is strategically situated on elevated terrain close to Murcia (clue in the name!), providing panoramic views of the surrounding City, valley and hills.  One of our longest trips but all worthwhile. 

Concerns about the amount of rain that had fallen were distant thoughts once we saw how lush and green the course was.  Obviously, the DANA affecting neighbouring areas was still foremost in our minds.  Lots of buggies running out of battery today – never ideal when you are halfway through a round.  The caddymaster was busy, busy, busy.

The course is nestled in around the houses and apartments with a few roads to cross to incorporate the natural topography, with elevation changes and strategically placed hazards that complement the landscape on this mature course.

A full field again with 48 good humoured golfers which wasn’t the case at the end with the scoring not in the high range this week!  The consensus was that the course was in good shape with fast greens.   Altoreal’s back 9 holes requires a fair amount of accuracy – most of the golfers’s back 9 scores weren’t great which made others feel marginally better.

The results were as follows:

Gold: Keven Mitchell (32 points)
Silver: Lee Eastman aka “el capitán” (pic. second right) 34 points (best score of the day also!)
Bronze: Nick Goodwin (pic. far left) 31 points on countback

A “Two” was scored by each of: Darren Strugnell, Tony Smale and Graeme Millington.  Nearest the Pins, with a prize of a sleeve of SMGS branded balls, were Graeme Millington, Lee Eastman, Martin Clarke and Dave Friedman.   Norman Padmore was the lucky football card winner today.

Another trek north to Font de Llop next week.  A popular course with the Society.

Winners pictured with Darren Strugnell (President second right) Lee Eastman (Silver, far right), Nick Goodwin (Bronze, far left) and Keven Mitchell (Gold, second left).  Also pictured Bob Smith and the Society’s “Secretary”.

Bob Smith receiving a donation of €280 for the RBL