Waiting On God

God knows you are waiting
God knows you are waiting

Pilar Christian Community Church

What do you do when you are waiting on an answer from God?  Do you wait in patience with calm peace, trusting in His timing?  Do you “storm the heavens” with your requests day after day?  Or even morning, noon and night?  Do you beg, plead and bargain with God?   Do you do a little of all of these?

What do you do when you are waiting on an answer from God?  Do you wait in patience with calm peace, trusting in His timing?  Do you “storm the heavens” with your requests day after day?  Or even morning, noon and night?  Do you beg, plead and bargain with God?   Do you do a little of all of these?

In Philippians 4:6-7 we are told:Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” What a nice scripture verse that is, comforting, yes?  Let´s unpack it a little and delve in to what it is saying.

Firstly, do not be anxious.  Why would we be anxious about prayer?  But in truth many people are, are they not?  Does God hear me? Is He even listening to me? There is another thing right there.  Are we just asking or are we asking in prayer?  Is there a difference? Do we doubt ourselves when we try to pray?  Why?  Where does this guilt and doubt come from?  In Jeremiah 33: 3 God says “call to me and I will answer you…”  and 4 chapters back in Jeremiah 29:13 He promises You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.“  

So, are we pleading with an unknown deity or are we searching for God with all our heart? And then there is the “with thanksgiving” part of that first verse.  Do we thank God for all He has done and is doing in our lives, for all the things that we are blessed with on a daily basis? 

Did you know that when Jesus cured the 10 Lepers of their disease, only 1 come back to say “Thank You!”  Do we honour and respect God with a daily Thank You?  Let´s try making our requests to include thanksgiving for that already granted.  

And then we come to that lovely passage “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding”  Do you know that peace? Do you know that Jesus Christ, Son of the living and active God, is The Prince of Peace? Have you spoken to Him?  Do you understand that we can only have eternal life through Jesus? 

And then at end of that scripture, once we offer Him our hearts He “will guard your hearts and your minds.” What a promise to be able to stand on!  God is as real today as He ever has been.  We just have to call out to Him and seek Him with all our heart.  He does hear and He will answer – though not always in the way we expect… But that´s another day´s article!

Sadly our webpage is down but it is being renovated and will be online again very soon. In the meantime we are still on Facebook.

Phil Molloy, Pilar Christian Community Church