Torevieja Natural History Museum offers Free Guided Tours

Torevieja Natural History Museum offers Free Guided Tours
Torevieja Natural History Museum offers Free Guided Tours

Torrevieja’s Institute of Culture “Joaquin Chapaprieta”, in collaboration with the Cultural Association Ars Creatio, has reopened the doors of the Museum of Natural History as it continues with the successful guided tours conducted by the scientist Maria Luisa Molina.

The museum will reopen for two months during the Autumn, from October 16 to December 15. The museum will now open on Wednesday and Friday mornings for educational centres, which will make up to three visits in the same morning, admitting a maximum of 30 students on each visit. On Sundays and holidays, it will be open for families and the general public from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, with free admission, and at 11:00 am accompanied visits will be made.

Guided tours require prior registration through this link or the QR code on the poster. Registration is now open!

As last year, the visits are included in the programming of the XVI Science Week organised by the municipality of Torrevieja, Ars Creatio and Miguel Hernández University, and the activity is funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and Miguel Hernández University.