Compromís, El Campello call increases in waste collection tax “Unfair and barbaric”

Compromís, El Campello call increases in waste collection tax "Unfair and barbaric"
Compromís, El Campello call increases in waste collection tax "Unfair and barbaric"

Compromís de El Campello has rejected the increase in the rubbish tax in the municipality. The party has expressed its “indignation” after learning of the PP government’s intention to approve an increase that will double the waste tax  currently paid by Campello residents.

“It is a complete nonsense with people now being forced to pay a bill of 143 euros for a service for which we now pay 60 euros,” a spokesman said.

Adriana Paredes, spokesperson for Compromís in the City Council, believes that it is “totally unfair that residents have to suffer this increase in a municipality that, as of today, has had an expired contract for street cleaning and collection of Urban Solid Waste for almost five years.”

He said that “we are being subjected to a brutal increase in the garbage tax when the majority of neighbourhoods and districts have a cleaning service that is inadequate. They are governing based on tax increases, raising the sewage rate, water rates, and services such as sports schools or morning schools, without residents seeing an improvement or increase in services. We run the risk of increasing the public distrust of the administration.”