´CBS Line Up With Jimmy´
´CBS Line Up With Jimmy´

By John McGregor

Costa Blanca Scooterists were away on tour again last week, returning to one of their favourite places, Mojacar, a lovely little town down in Andalucia on The Costa Del Sol. Twelve members on ten scooters set off on the first day of four to travel down from Torrevieja, although the journey was not without incidents – first an accident and then a breakdown. Hey but CBS are a hardy and resourceful bunch so ´With A Little Help From Our Friends´ everyone arrived in Mojacar safely – and things soon improved…

After a good nights rest at the excellent hotel facing the sea, CBS breakfasted well and heading south enjoyed a scooterists dream: riding up and down impressive hills combined with huge sweeping bends, all with amazing views of the beautiful coast. A nice lunch was enjoyed before returning back the same impressive way. Later back in the Mojacar Playa some members went to enjoy a Ska band, in the process meeting up with some old friends from their  sister group, the Mojacar Soul and Scooter club (MSS): a great evening, excellent entertainment.

Day two started off brilliantly as CBS met others from MSS at a new about-to-open 60s Mod-themed bar called ‘Jimmy’s’. This is named after scooterists hero of the 80s film ´Quadrophenia´. If somehow you don’t know what that is, it´s the dramatic story of a young Mod called Jimmy growing up in London during those halcyon days of the Swinging Sixties *.

Scooters, clothes, hairstyles and attitudes of the day (and Sting) all feature in the film. The nearly-finished bar was fantastic, decorated with large murals of Jimmy and the cast – and naturally CBS jumped at the photo-opportunity  to identify with the Quadrophenia theme.

Could the day get better? Well actually yes, it did, because after coffee and refreshments at Jimmy´s the MSS lads and lasses led their counterpart CBS members on a fantastic ride inland to a town called Bedar, way up in the Andalusian hills. There the two groups mingled together for a great chat to share scooter and other suitable stories. Parting from their MSS friends the afternoon took those who wanted to to go back up to the real white-washed Mojacar town, perched high on the hill with its panoramic views.

Some CBS newbies hadn’t previously experienced the quaint town with its little avenues, alleyways and shops – they have now. Before finally heading back to the hotel a very necessary stop was made to the well-stocked Vespa clothes shop in the Mojacar Playa. This trip was revealing to those who went – and only they know why.

Sadly all good things come to an end and on Friday the long scenic trip home began, with welcome food and fuel stops at Águilas and Mazarrón. Everyone eventually arrived safely home with many stories to tell – another very successful CBS tour (that´s four now to Mojacar) – always full of fun. *The writer of this piece is himself an old Sixties Mod with the necessary (true) stories from those great days to tell/embellish/bore (delete where applicable) anyone, Martini style – any place, any time, anywhere.