Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club


Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix, The Belfry, La Piedra, Skippers, Santara Resort, The Reiki Room.


Sponsored by The Reiki Room and G.A Insurances.                

On the weekend of 14th and 15th September we held a two day club competition. Twelve teams of trips played three games of nine ends each day.

We had a break after each nine ends for refreshments we also enjoyed savouries supplied by members.

The winners were Diane Horsington, Tony Kershaw and David Eades, Club Captain Steve Hindle presented them with vouchers donated by Jackie at the Reiki Room.

The runners up were Marilyn Marsh, Paul Saunders and John Hunt.  Steve thanked Jan, Heidi and Debs for their help with the selling of the raffle tickets and savouries. After the raffle draw Chris thanked Sue and Joan for organising the raffle and the prizes. The football card was won by Paul Saunders.

Thank you to Steve for organising the competition also Sue and Les who maned the control desk, it was a very successful weekend.   

For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at

We are also on Facebook.