How an owner was reunited with her glasses from the seabed

Javea resident Christa Wippler lost her glasses after trying out paddle boarding this July and them falling into the sea. She assumed they were gone forever, and headed back to Specsavers Ópticas in Javea to buy a new pair, but to her surprise, her glasses were there waiting for her. A gentleman had been diving and found the glasses on the seabed off Grava Beach, spotted they were from Specsavers and took the time to take the pair into store. Christa went in to the store, just the next day, and was delighted to find them there, having been cleaned and stored safely for her.

She explained what happened, “I went to the beach with a friend to try out stand up paddle boarding. At some point I lost my balance and fell into the water. At first, I didn’t realize that I had lost my glasses. I went back to the beach, packed up my board, and walked back to the car with my friend. On the way, I noticed that I didn’t have my glasses and immediately ran back to look for them, but they weren’t there.

The next day I went to Specsavers Ópticas in Javea to order new glasses. I told the saleswoman what had happened the day before. She looked through her paperwork and came back with a pair of glasses which she had cleaned.

I told her that I had lost a pair of glasses just like that. She replied to say they were mine. I couldn’t believe it. How would someone who found my glasses in the sea know that I had bought them from Specsavers? She explained to me that on the inside of the temples there was a small sign saying Specsavers.

I was so happy and still couldn’t believe that someone would take the trouble to find a pair of glasses and bring them to the shop where they were probably bought. Many thanks to the honest finder.”

Cecilia Navarro, Director of Specsavers Ópticas in Javea comments, “We always strive to help our customers, and when the gentleman came in with the glasses, we of course took them, cleaned them and kept them safe, but we didn’t have high hopes that we’d be able to reunite them with their owner. However, when Christa came in and told us her story, we knew they must be hers and were so pleased to have been able to reunite her with her glasses. Our thanks to the gentleman who took the time to bring them in!”

Specsavers Ópticas Javea is located just off the Carretera Cabo la Nao-Pla, near Servicolor, at Avenida Del Pla 125, Edificio Caribe, Local 6, Jávea, 03730. They are raising money for the charity DiabetesCERO until the end of the year. Find your nearest store at