Campoverde Open Garden Day Basked In The Sunshine


The village of Campoverde celebrated the 10th anniversary of its annual Open Garden Day on May 28th. The sun shone and hundreds of people toured round six interesting local gardens ranging from the small to very large. It was a hugely enjoyable day with keen gardeners and those who just like to see nice gardens, converging from all over the Costa Blanca area.

The Open Garden Day is organised by James McAllister from Campoverde Church and James says it has two main purposes. “Firstly, we want to celebrate gardens and the craft of gardening. Secondly, Open Garden day helps us to raise funds for the Church’s work with young people in general, and our annual Summer Club in particular”.

In addition to enjoying the gardens, whilst benefitting the work of the Church, many of the gardens also offered a range of refreshments ranging from cream teas, to wine and tea and biscuits. As an added bonus one garden was selling lovely seedlings and cuttings that visitors could take home to beautify their own gardens.

Commenting on the success of the day, James said: “When we closed the gardens at 4pm all the gardeners were exhausted after showing people round and answering questions. But we were pleased that God had provided us with wonderful weather and beautiful gardens to share with others; and we are sure everyone went away happy”.