Seven Rhythmic Gymnasts qualify for National Championships


Last Saturday the Autonomous Individual Championship was held in Almussafes, harvesting excellent results for Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnasts.

The torrevejense club, managed to qualify all of its 7 gymnasts for the Individual National Open Championship to be held in late June.

Anastasia Salkova won the silver medal, finishing as runner up in the infantile category. Ilona Boichuk and Valeria Zubcoff, finished in fourth and ninth positions in the same category.

Miley Martinez Rennison, was the runner-up in Junior category with Mariya Pavlenko and Valeria García Candela finishing in fourth and fifth position respectively.

Lucia Leshan Cañas Mendo, competed in 1st category finishing as Autonomic Runner-up in the overall open competition.