Former Councillor Dámaso Aparicio Gets Rubbish Management Job


The board of the Orihuela municipal company Surpal has taken two important steps regarding the future management of the waste collection and street cleaning service in Orihuela.

Firstly, and clearly the most important, the company has changed its name, becoming the Gestión Medioambiental de Orihuela S.L.

In addition, the president of the company, has appointed the former councillor responsible for the area, currently working as an advisor, Dámaso Aparicio, as manager of the same.

Thus, when the management of the service is entrusted to the company, Aparicio would stop being an advisor to occupy this position, for which he will be paid, and so will no longer be considered to be temporary staff, as until now.

The government team is thus moving towards a change of model in the management of waste in the city, after municipalising the service in 2012. There is of course presumably no connection between an elected official working on behalf of the people of the municipality ending up with a lucrative job in a company created to operate the public service.