Another busy week for Torrevieja U3A


The Citrus Centre at Playa Flamenca was visited by 30 members of the Torrevieja u3a on Thursday morning. They went there to take over the new Mini Golf course for a couple of hours. An enjoyable match ensued and this event may possibly be repeated in the future.

After the dames were concluded the participants crossed the road to visit The Cavern bar where they settled down to a brunch meal.

That same afternoon the venue of the Social Bridge group was packed out and a pleasant afternoon of Bridge was enjoyed by all.

Friday saw the members of the Military History group being given an insight into the Vietnam war by a relative of one of the many soldiers that took part before eventually being severely wounded and succumbing to his wounds shortly afterwards.

The above are just a sample of the activities that the Torrevieja u3a association has to offer its members. Anybody interested in taking part in any of these groups can visit our website torreviejau3a. org where full details on how to join up for a moderate fee and details of all the groups can be found.


Barry Weston