Mojácar Moors and Christians Festivity seek Andalucía Tourist Acclaim


Mojácar Council and the Al-Mosaquer General Association of Moors and Christians have initiated the necessary procedures with the Junta de Andalucía to make the locality’s Moors and Christians festivity of Andalucian tourist interest.


To this end, the Mojácar mayor, Francisco García, the Festivities councillor, Jesús Montoya and the Al-Mosaquer General Association president, Emilio Gea, together with the presidents and representatives of all the Mojácar associations, met in the Town Hall meeting room to sign their support for the request.


A support they have not only through the 10 associations in Mojácar, but also from an entire village that gets involved in this festivity, one of the most important celebrated in the municipality throughout the year.


Once the conditions requested by the Junta de Andalucía have been more for it to be of tourist interest, the Local Council opens the file that will be sent to the Andalucían Government, to the Regional Tourism Ministry, once approved in a plenary session.


The formal signing ceremony by the associations was opened by the Al-Mosaquer general association president, who thanked those present for their support and gave a brief summary of what the festivity has been like over these 36 years in which it has been improving and consolidating, not only among local residents. Today it is a benchmark in the province and attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world who do not want to miss the three days of celebration, becoming an unmissable date on the festive calendar.


For his part, the mayor, Francisco García, thanked the entire village for its collaboration in this important act to achieve the nomination of Festival of Regional Tourist Interest and expressed his conviction that with this support and the real consolidation of these festivities, it will be possible to achieve and that it is the first step in a further move forward that will be of great importance for the municipality.


The declaration of Tourist Interest of Andalucía constitutes a recognition awarded by the Junta de Andalucía, through the Tourism Regional Ministry, to highlight the richness, variety and uniqueness of the Andalucían heritage, highlighting those tourist resources that have a tourism significance in terms of demand and that stand out for their contribution to the development that makes up the tourist image of Andalucía.


There is no doubt that the Mojácar Moors and Christians Festivity, in its long journey of celebrations and in its undeniable improvements year after year and increase in participation, as well as the involvement of an entire village that works an entire year on its organisation, will become part of the list of the Andalucía Festivals of Tourist Interest on its own merits.