C.L.A.R.O welcomes investment for Orihuela Costa in 2024 budget proposal


In a meeting of its Executive Committee on 3 April, C.L.A.R.O evaluated the investment proposals for Orihuela Costa in the Budget for 2024 presented by the Popular Party-Vox coalition government, and expected to be approved in the near future in a Plenary meeting of the Council.

First of all, C.L.A.R.O recognises as a significant achievement the fact that a budget for 2024 has been proposed, since no government since 2018 has been able to do so and the municipality has been forced to live with out of date, carry over budgets for the last 6 years.

It is also commendable that the budget for 2024 represents a €40 million increase in expenditure compared to 2018.

This €40 million increase is entirely due to €40 million increase in investments, with 30%, €12.6 million devoted to Orihuela Costa. The €40 million will be financed by borrowing within legal limits. After years of budgetary starvation, C.L.A.R.O. welcomes this commitment to meet the needs of the coast.

It is noteworthy that the specific investment proposals are based on the electoral programme of the Popular Party agreed with C.L.A.R.O, who supported the Popular Party in its success at last year’s election.

As has been widely reported these specific proposals include: a new facility for drinking water storage, the much needed pedestrian bridge over the AP-7 in Lomas de Cabo Roig, and a new auditorium-cultural centre in the centre of Orihuela Costa.

There are also proposals for tarmacking many roads, renovation of public lighting, provision of compensation for the expropriation of the closed walkway between Cabo Roig and Aguamarina, and the second phase of the completion of the Emergency Services Centre which would provide a base for the emergency services ambulance SAMU.

There are also funds for other additions and improvements in the infrastructure of the coast.

The Executive Committee also drew attention to the provision in the budget proposals for another €6.8 million for general services which would also benefit Orihuela Costa.

C.L.A.R.O is satisfied with these ambitious investment proposals for Orihuela Costa. Obviously this is the first budget to be proposed by the new coalition government and there are other needs to be met. It will also be necessary to engage funds for the projects proposed in time to avoid any losses due to budgetary rules.

Together with the already announced proposals for a new contract and considerably increased funding for maintenance of parks and gardens in Orihuela Costa, with the non-profit organisation ILDO, and the commitment to undertake the reforms necessary to reopen the second coastal Civic Centre at Ramon de Campoamor, closed for 4 years, C.L.A.R.O is convinced of the commitment of the new Popular Party led government to keep its promises, to make sweeping reforms and improvements in the quality of life of residents of Orihuela Costa.

C.L.A.R.O also considers its decision to support the Popular Party under its new leadership at last year’s local elections and to join and be part of the team implementing these reforms and improvements is being justified.

The alternative, to be left on the side lines, criticising but not contributing to change and improvements and, as some do, advocating a cause which is impossible to realise, is unproductive and deceptive.