New Scrabble Club in San Cayetano


As well as the successful weekly quizzes at ‘El Bar S C’ in San Cayetano, the owners, Sally and Caroline, are now planning another event to tax the brains of their customers!

Mike Shail, who already runs a successful weekly Scrabble Club in Campoverde on Friday mornings, has volunteered to host a monthly Scrabble session at ‘El Bar S C’ in San Cayetano.

The first meeting of ‘Mike’s Scrabble Club’ will be on Thursday 04 April 2024 from 3 – 5pm and, if successful, will continue on the first Thursday of every month.  Mike says ‘If you enjoy playing word games such as crosswords, Wordsearch or Wordle or like watching ‘Lingo’ or ‘Countdown’ on TV, Scrabble could be for you.

There is no competition, play is just for fun, and no experience is necessary.  ‘Scrabble’ boards and tuition will be provided, although you can bring your own board if you wish.’

To find out more contact Mike Shail by e-mail at or telephone 722 445 006.  To book a table at ‘El Bar S C’ ring 711 030 590 or e-mail