Clive Jenkins, New Celts Golf Club Champion


We celebrated our last Championship Day at La Serena last Sunday.  What is it with all this wind? We have had two months of high winds, and it is proving to be a real challenge.  Miguel our green keeper must be very happy with the rain of last night, he probably could do with some more.

Thank you, to you and all the staff for the continued improvements. The staff in the pro-shop have everything working like and a well-oiled machine, thanks are due to Bruno, Jean, Martha, Michael and Oscar for their professionalism. (Something about a diet and cranky, we will say no more)  Thanks to Vanessa, Marijose, Duly and all the bar staff for looking after us as always.

Again, thank you to our competitions committee for their continued attention to detail. I must especially thank Alan and Ida for their assistance on the day. They were there from 08.00 and were amongst the last to leave after 16.00.  A special thanks to all those who stayed back to show their appreciation of the hard work carried out on their behalf and to recognise the winners who were present to collect their prizes.

Our Captain David was on hand to present the prizes to our winners. They were; Crystal Cat 1. Stuart Bulling 39, Steve Hopkins 37, and Stuart Tosh 36 Cat 2. Fred Beel 36, Michael Parry 35, and Tony Stafford 35. Golf prizes, Cat 1.  Skip Stupplefaharrer 31, Kenny McGeehan 30, and Alan Walker 30. Cat 2. Tony Woodward 38, Jim Hayes 35, and Richard Heaton 34.  Week 2. Cat 1. Alan Walker 37, Chris Daw 36, and Eddie Wall 35. Cat 2. Aideen Considine 38, Lynne McCormack 37, and Tony Stafford 36.  Medal winners, Cat 1. Andy Currie 72, Robert Smith 75. Cat II. John Aitchison 71, Ian Howie 71. Cat III. Kevin Fitzpatrick 67, Logan Nayager 74.

Results of the day were as follows; NTP’s. Clive Jenkins, Skip, Billy Thomson, Chris Daw, and Alan Ewing. Cat III. Sheila Coyne 38, Steve Formby, 35 and Richie Rogers 34. Cat II. Pat McLoughlin 38, Abraham Numeijer 37, and Alan Walker 36. Cat I. Pauvla Serakova 34, Gareth Conroy 34 and Clive Jenkins 33. Gross went to Jim Imrie with 30 points. Second overall to Chris Daw 39 and the winner with 40 points Phil Sayers.

We also had the conclusion of our club championship and a very close contest it proved to be, with the result after one year of competing going down to the last hole. Congratulations to Clive Jenkins our new Champion. Captain Dave Stockton advised Clive that he only had the title for this year and Dave would be back to reclaim the throne next year. Well done one and all.