Nine Torrevieja Gymnasts qualify for the Spanish Championship


Last Saturday the Autonomous Championship Individual Base was held in Onteniente. The championship reaped magnificent results for the Club Gimnasia Rítmica Jennifer Colino of Torrevieja where the gymnasts managed to classify nine of its athletes for the Spanish Championship to be held from 9 to 14 April in Castellón.

The gymnasts who qualified include:

Tatyana Whitworth, in the hoop apparatus, in the cadete category 2009, Autonomous Champion.

Lucía Quesada Guillen won the gold medal in pelota and, therefore, became the 2014 Champion of the Autonomous Community in the alevín category, and her partner Lika Artemova came seventh in the same category.

Valeria Vorontsova, was runner-up in the infantil category 2011 with the rope apparatus, while her teammates Julieta Ivanova, Ainhoa Egea Domenech and Ainhoa Ruiz, achieved fifth, ninth and eleventh position, respectively.

Valeria Bakulina, who competed in the pelota apparatus, in the 2013 alevin category, finished in fourth position.

Eilizaveta Bondarenko, achieved the sixth position in the juvenil 2008-2007 category. For her part, Mercedes Ruiz, performed a beautiful exercise in the mallets.


In the International Tournament, the Junior Andalusia Cup held in the city of Marbella, the Miley Martinez, achieved seventh position in hoop, tenth with the ball apparatus and twelfth position in the overall standings.