VOX Currently Not Supporting Equality in Orihuela


The VOX political group in Orihuela are distancing themselves from the support of equality for International Women´s Day in March.

Earlier this week, the national VOX party had launched a motion for discussion and vote of preventing a national initiative encouraging equality, whereas quotas of women would in influential positions such as Government and as business heads would be stabilised. VOX also previously stated that violence against women doesn´t exist.

In Orihuela, according to the Councillor of Equality, Agustina Rodríguez, her VOX government partners, who are facilitated in their positions through the PP needing their support, have been the only ones not to sign support for the local initiative to celebrate International Women´s Day.

The text, which has been drafted and sent to all the town councils adhering to the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, advocates “favouring the autonomy of people and building a society equal in rights and that translates into facts, ending the gender gap that continues to exist in some work environments both in the quality of positions and in gender representation, continue promoting the work that municipalities carry out in matters of equality, effectively promote the essential role of women in the world rural, continue working on improving the early detection system, as well as in providing care to victims of violence against women within the framework of our competencies and promoting the transversality of equality policies in the rest of the management areas of the town councils.

These are the specific proposals included in the text beyond making a plea for equality between men and women and the fight against discrimination against them, for example, in the workplace or in the rural world. At no point is reference made to gender violence, a term especially discussed and even fought by VOX. However, mention is made of “violence against women” or the “gender gap” that is manifested in many jobs, both in terms of salary and access to management positions.

The leader of Vox and vice mayor, Manuel Mestre, states that they will not vote against the motion despite not having signed it as spokesperson for his municipal group. However, he does not anticipate what the meaning of his vote will be. The other options are to vote in favour or abstain. There would also be the possibility of presenting an amendment to the text or even being absent from the vote.