Classic Motors in Guardamar


Guardamar del Segura will host a wide range of classic motors, cars and motorbikes, in the XII Fiesta del Motor Clásico de Guardamar del Segura taking place in March.

This classic motor show is scheduled for 23 March 2024, starting at 10 a.m. in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento where, in addition to the exhibition of participating classic cars and motorcycles, there will be live music, paella to eat, and drinks.

Admission is free, so whether you have a car or motorcycle or ride a scooter, or just share a petrol-head passion, you are welcome!

Prior to the Guardamar event, the IFA exhibition centre (near Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernandez Airport) will also have a classics event, Antic Auto, taking place on 9th and 10th of March.

You might also be interested in the classic scooter ride around Alcoy on 9 March, or further afield, the Scooter Rally in Madrid on the 15th.

Finally, the Iberia Motor Fest brings classic and unusual vehicles together at La Vila Joiosa on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of March 2024.